Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Happy Halloween!

I'm excited for Halloween. Not for me, but for Amelia. She loves to dress up. She has been wearing her minnie costume a lot lately. But tonight she will be a giraffe. If it was just her, I don't think we'd even go trick or treating, but we're going to Kathy's so we can trick or treat with Jack and Aunica. I'm sure Amelia will have a blast chasing Jack around. :-)

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Thanks for all your good thoughts and prayers. Earl passed away this morning. At least it was a peaceful passing, and he is not in pain anymore.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Just a quick note, my family could use some prayers or good thoughts right now. My mom's step dad Earl is in the hospital(He's the one with lung cancer). He's been there for a few days now. Anyway it's not good and it will probably all be over soon. He is being taken to a hospice place today. The doctors think he only has a couple of days, as he is not eating. He has already said he does not want to be resuscitated or have a feeding tube. So, there isn't a lot they can do for him. He's 87 and I think he's just done fighting. This is so hard on my Grandma.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

The 32nd of Juvember!

This morning my administration released the budget numbers for fiscal 2006. These budget numbers are not just estimates, these are the actual results for the fiscal year that ended February the 30th." *
-- Dubya releases budget numbers for a fiscal year that apparently ended on a fictional date, Washington, D.C., Oct. 11, 2006

Check it out here.

*I know I shouldn't make fun of our president. But I'd probably make fun of anyone who said that...
I miss my other weight tracker. (You know, the one that shows some progress?? LOL)I think I'll put it back up. I'll leave the new one too. I weighed in this morning. I was a little ( a lot really) scared, but it wasn't bad! I haven't gained or lost. I succesfully navigated the move with no gains. Yay me.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

My butt is going to fall off...

Seriously. Kathy came over with Jack this morning so we could walk. We walked all over my neighborhood. I just mapquested it and we walked 3 miles! Then Jeff got home and we went for another walk after dinner. We did 1.5 miles this time. Thats 4.5 miles. My muscles hurt! lol Hopefully we'll be walking every day, and I'll get used to it and not be in pain! On the good side, Amelia had so much fun with Jack today! She didn't really want to share some of her toys, but she did pretty good. After they left, she kept going to the front door yelling "Jack! Jack!" then she'd turn and look at and say "where he go?" and put her hands out to the side. I've got to get a picture of that....

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

My new favorite store...

...is Home Depot! That store is amazingly full of so many things I didn't know I needed! I went today to get some hanging rods for Amelias room. There is a great closet organizer in there, but it has shelves, no rods. I hate hanging the clothes on the shelves because they don't slide. So anyway, I bought the rods and installed them myself. Woohoo. yes I'm easily amused. I saw so many other things I would love to buy! I tried to restrain myself though. I did get some cool pads to go on the bottom of the chairs and table since the dining room is hardwood and I don't want to eff it up.

I took these this morning of Amelia in front of our house. We were trying on her halloween costume. Isn't she a cute little giraffe??

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Some pics from the new house

We're in the new condo now. I love it already. :-)

First one is Amelia in the living room, next are roses I cut from our yard this morning, then is my little gardener playing in the dirt, and the last one is the patio outside my bedroom.

Friday, October 06, 2006

My silly kid

Amelia likes to scream. Not like I'm pissed and crying screams, but just a loud scream to hear her own voice. The screaming really bothers Jeff and he is always trying to get her to stop. So her new trick is to shush herself. She will do a loud shriek, then put her finger up to her mouth and say Shhhh. So funny.

Oh and we could use some good thoughts again for Earl. (He's the one with lung cancer) Anyway, he's not doing great and it looks like he might have to go into a home. Grandma just can't take care of him on her own. She's 75 and can't lift him if he falls. They have stopped the chemo since it was making him so tired, but even with that out of his system he doesn't seem to be getting any better.
So what do you all think? Should I leave my blog with or without music? I turned it off for now, for Sophia so can read in peace. :-)

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Only 2 days to go until move day! The house is coming along pretty well. I'm working on packing still but it's getting there. I'm just about out of boxes so hopefully I'll be done soon. The new carpet is in at the condo, it looks great. The carpet dudes left a lot of marks on the baseboard in Amelias room, I'm hoping there is some paint floating around still so I can touch it up. I'm taking a break from packing and reading blogs. I found this and had to share. LOL

Only 2 days to go until move day! The house is coming along pretty well. I'm working on packing still but it's getting there. I'm just about out of boxes so hopefully I'll be done soon. The new carpet is in at the condo, it looks great. The carpet dudes left a lot of marks on the baseboard in Amelias room, I'm hoping there is some paint floating around still so I can touch it up. I'm taking a break from packing and reading blogs. I found this and had to share. LOL

Only 2 days to go until move day! The house is coming along pretty well. I'm working on packing still but it's getting there. I'm just about out of boxes so hopefully I'll be done soon. The new carpet is in at the condo, it looks great. The carpet dudes left a lot of marks on the baseboard in Amelias room, I'm hoping there is some paint floating around still so I can touch it up. I'm taking a break from packing and reading blogs. I found this and had to share. LOL