Amelia and I are ready to go to a Christmas party.

School Christmas party. They had a pajama day, and a day long party. They work so hard all school year, it was nice to see them have a fun day. And I love that I got to be there for the party, yay for being a stay at home mom. I got to spend 6 hours in my kids classroom that day.

Christmas Eve was a big surprise for Amelia and Anthony. We got tickets to see Disney on Ice. (Thank you person at Jeff's work who gave us the company tickets and parking pass. You are awesome.)

It was Toy Story 3 on ice, those are the army guys being dropped down from the ceiling. It was pretty well done. I was pleasantly surprised.

The show finished up way past dinner time, so we decided to find somewhere to eat near the arena. Jeff spotted this nice seafood restaurant and of course I said yes!
This item on the menu grabbed my attention. See those Willapa Bay Oysters? I grew up on Willapa Bay, and in fact my mom worked in an oyster cannery there for years.

I had an amazing meal. Well actually this much foods equals about three meals for me, it was also my Christmas morning breakfast. Jeff had a slight problem with his food, involving a big rock that looked like a clam, but hey, they comped us his dinner for it. lmao.

The Christmas tree, loaded down with presents. We did a pretty low key Christmas this year. The big presents were from Santa, and were little two wheel scooters. The kids got a few toys each, a video game or two and some clothes. And of course a whole bunch of junk in their stockings.

This is me thinking, "Why the hell am I letting you take pictures of me in my pajamas before I've had caffeine or a shower? Cause this picture might actually turn out cute and then I'll have to put it on my blog or facebook." At least the kids are cute... lol

This picture cracks me up. She's wearing a hat she got from Santa, but it's on backwards, with her Christmas dress, and her new boots, that she says are "Cowgirl boots? ya know? like they wear in Old Texas?" I love that kid but she's a goofball sometimes.

My Grandfather happens to live about 30 minutes from our house, so Jeff picked him up for the day too. The kids love seeing him since we don't have much family around.

This kitchen was clean when I started cooking this morning. Then I made a turkey, and homemade Italian sausage stuffing, and mashed potatoes, and candied yams, and a pumpkin pie, with fresh whipped cream, deviled eggs, and some rolls (those did come out of a bag, I can't make everything!) and a green bean casserole thing, and I don't even remember what else, and by the time I was done, my kitchen was a wreck. But the few bites I had of turkey and orange cranberry sauce were awesome.

And this goofy little pig, was the favorite toy of the day. My friend Buffi bought it for Anthony and he got us to all play it with him about 87 times. It was a good day.