I think you should be in prison. You gave your baby meth. And heroin. And nicotine. by choosing to use while you were pregnant she was born addicted. I know you saw her a bit when she was first born. ( you know. When you u were fighting with your baby daddy in the hospital and you were being nasty to the nurses because they wouldnt let you breastfeed. Because, ya know, you had just had a positive pee test for meth. That Means you used within a few days of giving birth. And your breast milk wasn’t safe. ) so by the time she was two days old you’d already taken off from the hospital. Remember? After the nurses reported it was a domestic violence situation. They were concerned that she was starting to withdraw and needed to go on methadone. Because ya know heroin is a bitch to withdraw from. Especially when you’re a newborn. But you and baby daddy said no to methadone. Because the hospital was just screwing with you. There was nothing wrong with her. You also said no vaccines. Because. Chemicals. (Drugs don’t) count I guess.