Tuesday, October 17, 2006

My butt is going to fall off...

Seriously. Kathy came over with Jack this morning so we could walk. We walked all over my neighborhood. I just mapquested it and we walked 3 miles! Then Jeff got home and we went for another walk after dinner. We did 1.5 miles this time. Thats 4.5 miles. My muscles hurt! lol Hopefully we'll be walking every day, and I'll get used to it and not be in pain! On the good side, Amelia had so much fun with Jack today! She didn't really want to share some of her toys, but she did pretty good. After they left, she kept going to the front door yelling "Jack! Jack!" then she'd turn and look at and say "where he go?" and put her hands out to the side. I've got to get a picture of that....

1 comment:

Kathy said...

One day Amelia will just start saying "goodbye Jack" and open the door as she kicks his little butt out LOL