Thursday, September 01, 2011

For later...

Saving these links for later, blogs I want to check out...

How to be a stylish mom. *Snort* I know I know. If you know me, this is kind of funny. I'm the mom in yoga pants and a tshirt, or flipflops jeans and a hoodie. But since I started losing weight (almost 40 lbs gone yay me.) I'm going to have to do more shopping. And there will be no more babies, and there better be no more weight gain, and there's no more nursing, no more infants spitting up, no more, well you get the idea, so I thought I'd try and step outside my usual momwear and get some cute clothes. And honestly, I need all the help I can get. lmao.

Bibliomomia. Haven't read it yet, but it looks cute.

A mom style blog. I'm enjoying her entertaining posts about covering the afterbaby pooch and finding clothes that are cute and suitable for chasing toddlers in.

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