Monday, January 14, 2008

Hello... is anyone there?

So I know some of you who visit my blog, but there are others that I don't know who you are. So I've decided that today should be delurking day. If you're a lurker or a regular visitor, leave a comment and let me know you're here!


Di said...

Di is here. Another OC mom. Enjoying this wonderful weather we are having! Lovely! Keep on writing!

Katie said...

Hello, hello!

Bad Momma said...

Bad Momma from the Mom Bloggers Club & your Cliq, checking in.

Hope all is well!

Slovebunny said...

I'm here just a little late on posting a comment.

Shannon @ Gabi's World said...

Hello! I am here and finally going to your updated blog. I feel so dunb, I kept going to the old one.

Sophia said...

I'm here. :)

NuttyGal said...

Hi, I'm new to this whole blogging thing. Enjoy reading your page. How do you get all these people? I don't really understand all the linking, tracking back and widgit stuff - how lame am I?? Ha ha - Hopefully I'll catch on soon :o) XXX Enjoy your weekend X

JenG said...

Steph - I was just checking your blog out for the first time. This is Jen from the Moms Fall 2007 kids yahoo group. So how does wordless wednesday work? What is the Friday thing? Just curious.