Sunday, October 04, 2009

Menu Plan Monday:

Have I mentioned how much I love having a kitchen again? lol It's so nice to just cook things, and then wash dishes without using the bathtub. Woohoo. :-)

The Sausage and Potato Soup from last week was a big hit, so I'm going to make it again this week. It was pretty quick to prepare, and everyone liked it.

Monday Sausage Potato Soup, rolls, salad
Tuesday Pasta, veggies, salad
Wednesday Hamburgers, guacamole, asparagus, salad
Thursday Easy Pot Roast Recipe
Friday Pork Chops, veggies, salad
Saturday left overs
Sunday Grilled Cheese, soup,


SilverMoon Dragon said...

You were washing dishes in the bath tub? You poor thing! Makes me appreciate my kitchen a lot more... perhaps I should go do my dishes now lol!

Michelle said...

You rock! I'm totally stealing that sausage potato thing. :)

Unknown said...

Looks like your family is going to have some terrific meals this week.
I love MPM especially since my husband and I lost our jobs. I'm looking for inexpensive and healthy meals for our family of three.
Well, gotta get back to the laundry and Dr. Laura.