Well it appears that my time as a stay at home Mom has come to an end. I'm going back to work starting tomorrow. Things worked out really well, I get to go back to my old job!! (I had to quit after I had Amelia because I just wasn't ready to go back at 4 weeks as we'd planned. The c-section and nursing and her not sleeping was a lot harder on me than I thought it would be.) So anyway, I got to stay home with her for 7 months, but now I get to go back to work. It's great because I already know the family, I'm totally comfortable with them and know they are awesome to work for. The extra money will be nice as well, I'm hoping we'll get our savings back on track. And we've already discussed that I get to get a new car pretty soon. Wahoo. I love the Honda, but Jeff drives it now for work and I get his truck. The truck wasn't bad when I was staying home, but with gas prices so high driving it back and forth to work would probably cancel out any money I'd make working. LOL
I've had a succesful two weeks with weightwatchers now. I lost 1 lb this week. Of course I'd like more, but I get a lot of extra points because I'm nursing, and losing more than a lb a week can affect milk supply. The first week I lost 3 lbs, so I guess overall it's not too bad. Jeff keeps asking me if I can have certain stuff on my diet. Thats the beauty of it, I can have whatever I want, just in moderation. And I have to decide if it's worth it to use my points up for something. I'm doing pretty good with the veggies and water, just need an extra glass or two of water and still need one or two more servings of fruit and veggies each day.
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