Cabinet to the left of the stove- I got rid of a lot of stuff, and moved other stuff into this area.


This is the cabinet to the right of the stove. I moved a lot of stuff out of it , to the other cabinet. Now most of the cups and dishes and such are over there, which will make unloading the dishwasher and stuff much easier. It's still a work in progress, I'm going to move a lot of my baking stuff to this cabinet, but I need some more bins first.

Looks wonderful! I started reorganizing my kitchen cabinets last summer. It's still waiting on me to come back to it. :~P Thanks for playing with me. :~)
Great job! Good tackling! Come check out my awesome tackle!
Looks great! Nice job tackling. I can't imagine what it's like to have an empty shelf! :-D
looks great!
it's amazing how they get messed up so fast isn't it? great job!
Looks good!
Looks great! I've seen so many fellow tacklers working on kitchen cabinets, I decided I should probably tackle mine a little bit at a time. That wasn't my tackle this week, but this morning, I did clean out my canned goods cupboard. So thanks for the inspiration! ;o)
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