Sunday, September 02, 2007

Another whine about the heat...

It's hot. Again/still depending on how you look at it. Friday when we got home it was 102. I didn't check the high for the day but 102 was high enough. It's been similar all weekend. Did I mention it's been cloudy off and on and humid. The poor AC is having a hard time keeping up. Jeff changed the filter last night, hopefully that will help a little. The coolest I could get it in here last night was 80 something.

I just checked the weather and at 745 AM it's already 80 degrees. I guess I'm going to spend another day sitting in the house eating popscicles and drinking water. maybe we'll venture out to the mall again to use someone else's AC. Although yesterday even the mall was hot.

I am not a good heat person anyway, but when I'm 7 months pregnant, it's really bad. I am also so swollen. My rings have been put away for a few days. My hands and toes have been replaced by sausages.

We were supposed to go to the International Fair in Old town this weekend. But when it opened at 10 yesterday, it was already over 90 out. I just can't handle walking half a mile to get there (parking is lovely) then walking around in that heat for hours. I am guessing we won't make it today either. Maybe next year the beginning of September won't bring 100 degree temperatures and we can go.

Okay I'm done whining now. I promise that one of these days, I am going to talk about something besides the heat and being miserable. That is most likely to occur after I give birth. :-)


Slovebunny said...

Its ok to complain out the heat I understand....Its HOT! Its even hot up here...just not that hot....About 10-15 degrees cooler....See you need to move North. It was about only 85 earlier today. I have my air on too. Its about 75 in my house. Its nice. I am cool now. But we had a picnic today. But Ihave no idea What theHeck we were thinking. said...

I CAN NOT believe you are 32 weeks pregnant! Dude! The time has flown (not for you, I'm sure). I know you must be hot and miserable. I started getting uncomfotable and BIG around 30 weeks. It'll be over so soon!